Education and Academics
Master of Science in Pharmaceuticals and Medicines
Bachelor of Science in Life Science
Practice Focus
Food Science
Meet Qin, a distinguished patent attorney proudly associated with CN-KnowHow. Qin’s prowess shines especially bright in the realm of translation, where she deftly bridges language divides. Specializing in the translation of foreign-related patent application documents from Chinese to Japanese and vice versa, she possesses a unique and invaluable skillset.
With a rich tapestry of experience spanning 7 prolific years, Qin has successfully navigated the complexities of over 1,100 cases across diverse domains. Her proficiency encompasses a wide array of fields, including medicinal chemistry, electronic chemistry, biochemistry, and cosmetics, among others. Qin’s approach to her work is defined by an unyielding commitment to punctuality and quality. She meticulously endeavors to ensure that each case is submitted with the highest standards in mind. In her customer interactions, she embodies the ideals of prompt, professional, and thorough communication, underpinning her resolve to safeguard and uphold the rights of her esteemed clients.
Beyond her professional accomplishments, Qin’s interests unveil the vibrant and multifaceted facets of her personality. She finds solace and rejuvenation in outdoor pursuits such as exploring parks, embarking on mountain-climbing expeditions, and indulging in the simple yet rewarding act of picking.